Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Called to FOCUS for His Sake

In my great and extensive expertise of blogging (note that it is neither great nor extensive), I have discovered that I should PROBABLY stay clear of topic articles and stick with what I can do best: tell stories!! Some have been called to be orators, others rhetoricians, and finally those of us who are story-tellers. I've slowly come to accept I am the last of these...but that's okay!! I have many adventures to share with the WORLD!!!! :D Anyway, into what I've come here to share!!

As some of you may know, the Lord has called me into serving Him further and through discernment and much prayer, I am currently serving as a missionary for the FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students)!!! Next year I will be serving at Drake University in Des Moines, IA and quite literally, I'm like...

Like...I'm not kidding at all. I am so excited/happy/ecstatic/joyful to be serving 1) in Iowa: my third favorite state, 2) with my AMAZING team!!!, 3) through FOCUS and 4) for the students of Drake to experience Christ personally, within their life. I. AM. PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll get into FOCUS more in detail later on but first, let me tell you about how my summer has been thus far. Right after I graduated on May 24th (WHAT WHAT!!!), I commenced packing for my journey ahead. After some tears, some beers and seven-ish boxes, I was able to pack my entire life and sigh as I reflected on my last four years. My years in college came to an end and I had a "what next?" moment that made me too nostalgic to function. Luckily, it was vital that I functioned because I absolutely needed to be out of my house before I left for Florida for summer training. "Wait...did he just say...?" Yes. I said Florida.

Since May 30th, I have been in Ave Maria, FL for New Staff Training for FOCUS!! To give you an idea of Ave, here's a picture:

Needless to say, it's pretty nice!! This entire city is a little Catholic experiment in the middle of the Everglades. Quite literally, we are in a multi-million dollar manufactured city in the middle of what was a swamp. This becomes most evident to us when we walk to class and are greeted by the likes of all alligators, armadillos and giant grasshoppers!! Don't get me started on the gnats and mosquitos...but otherwise, it's great!!!

One of the great things about training is how detached I feel from the world these days. It honestly feels like we are in a bubble or that Florida is just a separate world from the one we live in. Bugs Bunny had it right!!

But on to what most of you might be thinking: where did this FOCUS thing come about, Brandon? To many of my friends, it may honestly feel like this came out of nowhere. In actuality, I've been thinking about doing FOCUS for a while now but just recently decided to move forward and trust God by following this strange desire.

So a little about FOCUS...the Fellowship of Catholic University Students is an apostolate of missionaries who are sent out to colleges across this nation to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the students and invite them into a relationship with the same Christ. Through forming friendships, running Bible studies, and discipling students to share the Gospel with others, FOCUS strives to win over the campus, the country and the world for Christ!! 

Anyone who has gone to college knows well that incoming freshmen crave one thing when they step foot on campus, and that is a place of belonging. Being in a new environment means that these freshmen are looking for someone/something to follow/do. They are CRAVING for something to call home and make them feel welcome. That's why every college campus have herds of younglings wandering the campus early in the year.

It is because of this craving that many students seek their worth through many facets that sadly DO NOT sustain them. Many turn to partying, drinking, 'hooking-up', drugs and many other thing that promise so-called happiness. Friends, these are NOT healthy for you: mind, body or soul. Because of this lack of direction and inability to find proper worth, many students slump into depression or convince themselves that everything is okay and that they will grow out of it. 

Did you know that 48% of college students report going to church "few times a year or less"? When I heard this statistic, I was deeply sorrowed. I was not sad from an outsider's view. I was sad because I witnessed this statistic come to life before me. Many threw away their faith to pursue something that, in the end, will disappoint them and will not last in the long run. As Coldplay said in their song Viva La Vida, "I discovered my castle stands upon pillars of sand and pillars of sand." I pray that my friends who fell away from their faith are kept safe by the loving grace of God but when I see them, it is evident that a collapse is often the only thing that can put them back on course.

While many missionaries are called to serve the physically poorest of the poor abroad and domestically, I felt a call to be a missionary but to the impoverished countries. I have seen slums and have talked to the people, but I walked away with joy for they had faith stronger than I could fathom. The Lord called me to serve those in poverty but of a different kind: spiritual poverty. The greatest tragedy is the man who has all possessions but is drowning in silent desperation. I could have been that man and was on track to do so, but Christ came into my life and transformed my heart to seek that which has no end!!

The college student does not know it but what they seek is Christ in their life. Friends, family and strangers; the Lord is generous to all who come and seek Him. He stands with open arms to welcome stranger and returner alike. He never stops loving his people and never stops leading us to recognize our full potential. I may be a missionary on a college campus but this is the mission of Christianity itself. Jesus commands of us, "Go make disciples of ALL nations..." (Matthew 28:19) and this is the mission I invited you ALL to join in on. 

I welcome you to truly consider what I've presented. My work with FOCUS is the work every Christian is called to but most may not be able to do. Regardless, everyone has a place in the mission. As Mother Teresa said, "Some give by going, others go by giving." My purpose behind this article wasn't to fundraise but while I'm here, why not? Part of being a FOCUS missionary is that I must raise 100% of my living expenses. By no means did I write this article to ask for money but if you are interested, here is my fundraising page:

If you choose to donate, thank you and know that this is more than donating to a cause. This is an opportunity to join in this mission with me!! If you do give, PLEASE contact me in some way because I want to personally thank you for joining me in this mission. Also, the life of a missionary is one of prayer. Thus, if you have special prayer intention, please tell me and I will be sure to pray for you.

If you do not chose to give, I thank you for reading my article because I want each one of you to know what I'm up to and the mission Christ has called me to serve. I ask for your prayers as I move forward because I honestly need more prayers than I do money!! 

But honestly, no pressure at all :) I mean it!!