Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Death by Boredom

I just want to start off by saying that I'm not ACTUALLY dying from boredom. So, don't worry Mom :) I love being home but we could both agree that the amount of inactivity I am currently exhibiting will eventually, if it hasn't already, turn my brain into mush. As is, my every second is spent like this...

The funny thing is, I have hundreds of things I could be doing and a couple of things I definitely SHOULD be doing but I can't find the motivation!! The person who came up with the 4-1-4 academic calendar should be imprisoned for giving college students the opportunity to do absolutely NOTHING for six weeks if they so choose. Of course the college student will choose to do nothing!! After a semester of writing over 62 pages of papers and engaging in a rigorous learning environment, a six-week break sounds wonderful! It always sounds like a great idea until about Week 3 when you wake up after sleeping for twelve hours and you ask yourself,

"Why am I awake??"

I remember the days when I use to wake up, go through my morning routine, run to class since I was always late, go to Mass, eat lunch, work, go off to my first extra-curricular activity, fifteen minute break, second activity, dinner, hour break, work until 2 a.m. then back home to sleep!! That was the life... Now my day consists of waking up, maybe taking a shower, moving over to the couch, walk ten feet to the kitchen for lunch, back to couch, getting up to walk five feet to the table for dinner, back to the couch and staying there until I get up to go to bed. While this seemed like "the life" the first three weeks of doing this, I slowly am realizing that I probably lost my ability to read from my deprivation of mental activity. Am I slowly dying from boredom?? Maybe, but I did pick up knitting!! And I successfully watch 96 episodes of Showtime's Original Series Dexter!! That counts for something, right?!

You've probably read this post and wondered, "Where is he going with this?" The answer: nowhere. In the Life of B.I.S.C. Miranda, there is nothing productive that has occurred. Everything I do is boring, lazy and probably shortening my life. Great news though!! I leave for California on Saturday and have a full slate of things to do once I'm there!! And in all honesty, I should probably do the many things that remain on my docket of things that MUST be done before I return to school and back to my normal, hectic pace of life.

So life is on the horizon--I'm sure of it!!