Anyway, I planned on writing this post WHILE the beard was in full growth form but I have been busy for the last couple of weeks. For you all who did not have the opportunity to see this beauty in person, here you go!!
I may be horrendous at sports, have a particular fondness for the arts, an avid poet, a decent baker and many things you wouldn't necessarily term as "manly" but there's one thing that is undeniable: I can grow a beard--a manly one at that!! With this facial hair growth, my recent fondness of beer and my promote to a Bass instead of a Baritone has made my testosterone levels SKYROCKET...but actually. Desires to chop down trees, wear flannel, let that chest hair grow freely, and camp in the forests of the beautiful state of Minnesota started to bubble but then I thought, "Wait...I already do that all!!" No kidding.
Now I would be lying if I said I enjoyed every moment I had a beard. There were days when I could not concentrate in class because all I was thinking was how itchy my face was. I woke up some mornings, looked at my face and all the straggly hair popping out in my beard and dread/resent the fact that I needed to not only comb my head hair but now my face as well. After I ate, I had to ensure that nothing was caught in my beard I could not feel it on there. Sometimes my face would smell weird...and don't get me started on beard dandruff!! People may have loved seeing me with a beard but I could not handle the countless disadvantages some days. I tried everything I could to maintain healthy facial hair ranging from shampooing/conditioning to routine trimming to washing my face several time a days to reading endless article about beard care online. Some may be sad that I shaved but know that I did everything in my power to keep it up!! Ultimately, the decision to shave was a good least for now. I'm back to looking like this:
Angie's utter shock was not to the absence of the beard by the way... |
But I would also be lying if I said that I didn't miss having my beard. It made me feel older and more serious. Too often, my smooth face gives off the perception that I'm kind and happy and nice and pleasant. Though all those may be true, my beard did not give off that perception. It gave me an option to be serious when I wanted to be and highlighted my facial expressions otherwise. That growth on my face made me look like a distinguished gentleman and challenged me daily to be a true man.
And while all those things like being a Bass, enjoying a beer, chopping down trees, growing chest hair, camping in the woods, sporting a beard, etc. are all "manly", that wasn't what I strived for when I looked in the mirror every morning. Sure, the beard was a good reminder to be a man but all of us men must step back and ask ourselves: what does it mean to be a "true man"? Simple for men of faith: imitate Christ.
Beyond all these macho things I've described, a true man is loving, prudent, self giving, respectful, steadfast and humble. A true man fights for truth and rejects evil. He sees challenge and takes on the task with faith and resolve. And you know who had a beard?? That's right....JESUS CHRIST!! If you want a model of a true man, Christ is your beaming example. His sacrificial love and his strength in every sense (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual...) is what we should aim for. Scatter the proud!! Cast down the mighty!! Lift up the lowly!! Fill the hungry!! Show others mercy!! Heal the sick!! Stand up for what is just!! That is what Christ calls us to do and what the prototype of a man should be!!
What started as a bet turned into a beard. What was a beard turned into a call to manhood. What was a call to manhood turned into an imitation of Christ. Funny how that happens...