As much as I love writing, I despise starting a new blog with its "Inaugural Post". There is something about starting anew that terrifies me into neglecting to ever want to begin. For example, I've had the domain for this blog for over four months and this will be my first official post!! I know, I'm off to a MARVELOUS start...
So why am writing? Because I miss writing for the world to see!! If you happen to follow my blogging endeavours (I don't expect that you have), you may know that I spent four months studying abroad in Rome and blogged throughout the experience. This blog, Roamin' Like A Roman, was so much fun to write!! I would literally look forward to creating a new post every single time I found the time to do so. It wasn't until I wrote my "Letter to Bernardi" post that I realized the fun was coming to an end. I would no longer have material to blog, which left me like....
So the idea and inspiration to start a new blog sprung up!!! Unfortunately, motivation was nowhere to be found...
As my dad always told me as I was growing up, EVERYTHING has a purpose. I will go on record and tell you, the only purpose this blog serves is to be an outlet of my desire to write again!! I miss my mini-rants and documenting my life and going on tangents and posting pictures. I know that Facebook and Twitter are meant to serve as outlets of Internet sharing, but I want something a little more in depth than 140 characters or wall posts. Hopefully I can utilize this blog to curb my need for writing!!
So if you are reading this, WELCOME!!! I'm Brandon and I'm here to have fun...